No "Click to Re Edit" product showing up in my cart

Posted almost 6 years ago by Gregory St. Gelais

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Gregory St. Gelais

Hi, there is no click to re edit link back to fpd when customized elements are put into my cart. I am using woocomerce and wordpress 2016 theme, ive tried switching themes, clearing browser history, all the easy stuff, but my problem is still persists. i have taken a look at my class-wc-cart.php and the line:

$link = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s<br /><i style="opacity: 1; font-size: 0.9em;">%s</i></a>', $url, $cart_item['data']->get_name(), FPD_Settings_Labels::get_translation( 'woocommerce', 'cart:_re-edit product' ) );

is in there, so I am confused

Is there any one out there who may have a clue as to what is wrong? Thank you

here is the site:

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

Please open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your issue.

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Dave posted about 1 year ago

same problem here FPD 4.8.3 and WC 7.7.1 Re-Edit Link is not appearing in cart and Thumbnail isn't linked as well. 
Could you guys tell me what was the problem in your case? Thx

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Charles So posted almost 2 years ago

I have the same issue now, with FPD/WC 4.7.9 and WC 6.8.2. A support ticket is opened. Please reply after checking.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

Please open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your issue.

0 Votes


Gregory St. Gelais posted over 5 years ago

also woocommerce 3.5.0 and fpd 3.8.8, the customized thumbnail link is also non-functioning

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