Canvas touch scrolling on iOS

Posted almost 6 years ago by Max

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i cant disable Canvas touch scrolling on iOS. still works in the designer, although I turned it off in the settings


iPhone 6s and iPhone 5s. Everything works fine on android

Who has the same problem? Can someone test on other iPhone models?

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Brian Saetre

Brian Saetre posted over 5 years ago Best Answer

I had the same problem. My solution was to switch from FabricJS Version 1.6.7 to 2.+ in the main FPD settings. I haven't fully tested this solution, but it did solve the iOS canvas scrolling bug for me.


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Gerard Haughey posted almost 5 years ago

This is fixed now, thanks.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin

Please open a support ticket on our website so we can have a closer look at your issue

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Gerard Haughey posted almost 5 years ago

 I had exactly the same problem and it was fixed with the FabricJS Version switch from 1.6.7 to 2.+

...... only problem now is that the photo filters are no longer working. They work just fine with 1.6.7 but not with 2.+

If anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear it.

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Max posted over 5 years ago

Brian Saetre. Thank you, it help

0 Votes

Brian Saetre

Brian Saetre posted over 5 years ago Answer

I had the same problem. My solution was to switch from FabricJS Version 1.6.7 to 2.+ in the main FPD settings. I haven't fully tested this solution, but it did solve the iOS canvas scrolling bug for me.


0 Votes


FPD Customer posted almost 6 years ago

I have the version 3.8.8 ...

Should canvas touch scrolling mean that when I place an image or text and want to move it with my finger, the canvas stops moving? ... I have turned it off and he still does

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin

Be sure you have the newest Update of Fancy Product Designer. If this issue still occurs please open a ticket so we can have a closer look at it. 

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