Show and filter categories on swapping products

Posted almost 6 years ago by Daniel Ruiz

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Daniel Ruiz


Is it possible to fill the element hidden called fpd-product-categories in order to see all category fancy products in the selected category?

I want to "filter" my products by category before my users start their design...

Thank you

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

If you use the Wordpress/WooCommerce version you can use Multistep Product Configurator for that. No need to customize your code. 

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Weber nicolas posted about 5 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

It's very good job.

But that is possible with the configuration basic of FPD or is it a developpment additional ?

I want just give possibilty of choose a category then choose products of this category (see my file), but I don't find this option.



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Daniel Ruiz posted about 5 years ago

Yes, I finally did it!

You can take a look:

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Weber nicolas posted about 5 years ago


@Daniel Ruiz, have you find the solution to display "filter" about products by category  on the "swap" part?

I hope my question is good...

Thank you very much 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Answer

If you use the Wordpress/WooCommerce version you can use Multistep Product Configurator for that. No need to customize your code. 

0 Votes


Daniel Ruiz posted almost 6 years ago

Thank you I finally understood my own question. 

Thanks for this awesome plugin  

0 Votes


Daniel Ruiz posted almost 6 years ago

Do you understand my question? Look the screenshot I attached and you figure it out what I really mean...

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Daniel Ruiz posted almost 6 years ago

Thank you for your answer... Sorry, I just read my post again and it was badly explained.

I want my users could select a category before they could select a product. This is like: first select model, and later select product to design that product.

I found that html element in the code... I was wondering if that element could help me to achieve that: fill that select box with "models" and let my users pick one model and dinamically show all products from that model.

Is this possible?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin

unfortunately i don't understand your question. Could you please describe what you want the user to see at first?

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