Batch photo printing

Posted almost 6 years ago by ŞAFAK

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I'm doing batch photo printing, my customers are uploading 36 photos


how can i do with this plugin
thank you.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

Using our plugin you can already upload several photos at once. In order to place them onto your product stage the customers afterwards needs to drag or click any image on its own though. 

You could create several upload zones and let your customer decide which image should be placed on which upload zone. Auto fill is not possible yet. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Answer

Using our plugin you can already upload several photos at once. In order to place them onto your product stage the customers afterwards needs to drag or click any image on its own though. 

You could create several upload zones and let your customer decide which image should be placed on which upload zone. Auto fill is not possible yet. 

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