Blank and customized product

Posted almost 6 years ago by Nathan Jones

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Nathan Jones

Hi, Just started using FPD and I can't see a way to set a product that can be purchased blank and therefore not display the customize button, or can be purchased customized (customer selects which they want from dropdown thats set by variations) and have the customize button only appear when this option is selected. All of our products can be purchased blank or engraved so we really need to add this functionality. Many thanks

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

do you need the variations? Because using our plugin it is already possible to either click on "add to cart" directly or customize

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Sorted by

Nathan Jones posted almost 6 years ago

Thanks for this, all sorted now! Cheers

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Answer

do you need the variations? Because using our plugin it is already possible to either click on "add to cart" directly or customize

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