
Change Canvas Size or Background Between Landscape / Portrait

Hi Guys,

Any ideas to solve the following average scenario/problem:

  1. Customer chooses to design a poster or banner for their shop
  2. They need to change the size (aspect ratio) or orientation (landscape/portrait) but keep their design
  3. After changing the size or aspect, they continue editing their design
  4. They then decide the change the size of the banner again
  5. The design stays in place, they make a few final edits and then purchase it.

This is a very common scenario that I haven't managed to figure out a solution to.

Some customers start designing a banner at 2M x 3M but then decide they want to change it to 4M x 3M.

I'm happy to just change the aspect ratio of the canvas or perhaps a background object to represent the banner.

I would also like to extend this to a custom size entered by the customer without having to create multiple products for each size/aspect.

Ideally the price would update depending on the size entered, but that can be handled by Gravity Forms or another method that I'm sure I have figured out.

  • 1. You can connect different fancy products (either products or categories) to one woocommerce product. 

    2. In the global settings (Fancy Product Designer -> settings -> general) you have to enable "replace initial elements"

    3. In the UI Designer (Fancy Product Designer -> UI Composer -> Choose the layout you want to use or enter to default layout -> modules -> products) you have to add "products" to the Modules. 

    Afterwards your clients will be able to change the size in simply picking another fancy product and remain their created elements / design

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