How do I access exported images?

Posted almost 6 years ago by Andrea Miller

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Andrea Miller

How do I access the exported file of the design? Can you explain the process of exporting images and where they go? It says created PDF's will be store in  but I don't know how to access those server folders?

Under orders - Export- I have tried to hit create and nothing happens so I don't know where the image goes and I am looking for an easy way to access it. Seems kind of dumb!

There has to be an easier way to export the image otherwise how do people use this thing? 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

you have to log in to your server via ftp and look at the order folder.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Answer

you have to log in to your server via ftp and look at the order folder.

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