Change Entire Background color

Posted almost 6 years ago by Howard Volin

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Howard Volin

I want to change entire backgound color. For example yellow instead of white. Saw this in the mug demo. But don’t know how to do it. if it has to be css, please give me the proper code.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

Please select your Woocommerce Product -> click on individual product settings -> scroll down to background -> set color or image as a background and set your changes. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

unfortunately i don't understand your question. Do you want the background not to be shown at all? In that case please insert the color of the background color of your website. 

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Ahmad Fadil posted over 5 years ago

Hi, If My customer want to hidden the background automatic, how do i? they already upload png but the background still appear, how do i?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Answer

Please select your Woocommerce Product -> click on individual product settings -> scroll down to background -> set color or image as a background and set your changes. 

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Nick Babich posted almost 6 years ago


.fpd-container > .fpd-main-wrapper {

background-image: none;

background-color: #f4f4f4;


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