Color Picker turns Item Grayscale

Posted almost 6 years ago by Scott Koraleski

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Scott Koraleski

I'm using FPD's T Shirt template,  any time I use the color picker to change the shirt color, the shirt

turns grayscale.  Any ideas?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

The demo works fine for me. Did you change any settings (p.e. opacity of the shadow layer?) You can try to download the demo and try again. 

If this doesn't work please go to Fancy Product Designer -> Settings -> Default Elemet Options -> Custom Image Options -> Filter.

Make sure you didn't select grayscale and select none instead. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin Answer

The demo works fine for me. Did you change any settings (p.e. opacity of the shadow layer?) You can try to download the demo and try again. 

If this doesn't work please go to Fancy Product Designer -> Settings -> Default Elemet Options -> Custom Image Options -> Filter.

Make sure you didn't select grayscale and select none instead. 

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