Is it possible to link directly to the product designer

Posted about 6 years ago by David Brook

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David Brook


Forgive me if this is obvious and I'm missing something, but I'm new to this plugin.

Is it possible to link directly to the product designer/customiser without going to the product page first?  I want to go from our self-designed product pages to the customiser without having to go to the basic automatically created WooCommerce product page.

Does that make sense?



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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

To embed the product designer in a page you can use shortcodes:

Maybe opening the product designer in a lightbox or on the page works for you as well. Therefore go to your woocommerce product and select "individual product settings" on the right side. In the main settings you can choose settings for "open product designer in ..."

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David Brook posted about 6 years ago


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 6 years ago Admin Answer

To embed the product designer in a page you can use shortcodes:

Maybe opening the product designer in a lightbox or on the page works for you as well. Therefore go to your woocommerce product and select "individual product settings" on the right side. In the main settings you can choose settings for "open product designer in ..."

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David Brook posted about 6 years ago

Or is it possible to embed the product designer in a page?

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