
display designs module only if certain product is selected

Wondering if there is a way to conditionally display the designs module in the UI if a given FPD product is selected.  I have a single woocommerce product with multiple FPD products in the FPD product module, but I only need to display the design module for a single product and only when it is selected.

Any ideas?  I looked around in the settings and forum but could not find anything.

  • Enable the design module and in the product Builder click on "edit view options" and disable design module for all required products. 

  • Is there a way to disable FPD for individual products?

  • If you don't connect a Fancy Product to your WooCommerce product FPD is automatically not enabled for those products.

  • I am runing through the same problem I have one single woocommerce  product, connected with more than one FPD through woocommerce produce variations. Problem is that I want to show design module when specific condition is selected in that FPD. Is it possible ?

  • no, thats not possible. 

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