GDPR Compliance

Posted about 6 years ago by Chris Weber

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Chris Weber


Regarding to the GDPR Compliance - is it save to use your product?

Specially the WP Admin solution seems not to correspond to the GDPR Regulations?!?

Thanks in advance & Brgds.


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

Yes we just updated our privacy policy to make it GDPR compliance. On ADMIN we do not use google anaylicts or anything else for tracking user. If you delete your account, we do not store your data after deletion.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 6 years ago Admin Answer

Yes we just updated our privacy policy to make it GDPR compliance. On ADMIN we do not use google anaylicts or anything else for tracking user. If you delete your account, we do not store your data after deletion.

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