3.7.3 just not working (using without woocommerce)

Posted over 6 years ago by Youssef Berrada

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Youssef Berrada

The latest FPD version 3.7.3 is just not working at all if using without woocommerce. (Everything after post title disappears)

Test FabricJs version 1.6.7 "On" ==> Not working

Test FabricJs version 2.+ "On" ==> Not working


JQuery No Conflict Mode "On" Was "Off" In Version 3.7.2 ==> Not working


Theme used "Storefront"

I even made test with "twenty fifteen" wp theme, with no plugins just FPD and same result, everything after post title disappears.


Y. Berrada

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

I forward this topic as ticket to a support agent!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer

I forward this topic as ticket to a support agent!

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