Custom image upload settings problem v 3.7.0

Posted over 6 years ago by Youssef Berrada

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Youssef Berrada

After last update and when Custom image upload settings "Save on server" is set to NO

The image won't upload with an error message "Image could not be loaded"

This problem was tested on 2 different websites

Best regards

Y. Berrada

4 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

I will check this within next update, but I hightly recommend to turn on this option. Otherwise you may inspect some issues when adding the product to cart with a large image.

0 Votes


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Hasan Iqbal posted over 3 years ago

Hi there,

I am having problem with customized image in email. I am receiving 9 same images as attachments in email. Also on complete order its creating 10 files of same image in _fpd_temp folder. can you tell me  how i limit that to only 1 file?


0 Votes


Miroslav Nekoranec posted almost 4 years ago

Hi there,
I have problem with upload own images...

Image could not be loaded!

I tried everything what I read on this forum with this tag... It works only if I am signed for WP...

WP: 5.5.1

WC: 4.5.2

FPD: 4.4.1

thank you for any help... 

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Enable "Save On Server" in the general settings of FPD. But I found the bug and it will be fixed in next update, which will come this week.

0 Votes


Suz Zan posted over 6 years ago

About which option are you talking about? I have tried almost all the parameters in the documentation but still facing this error. Still getting the error message "Image could not be loaded" when uploading an image from default uploader


0 Votes


Oriol Brau Castel posted over 6 years ago

where can we turn on this option? what option?

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer

I will check this within next update, but I hightly recommend to turn on this option. Otherwise you may inspect some issues when adding the product to cart with a large image.

0 Votes


Oriol Brau Castel posted over 6 years ago

i have the same problem. I can't upload any images to add to shirt design. 

0 Votes


Suz Zan posted over 6 years ago

Same error... could not resolve yet


0 Votes


otelma de dios posted over 6 years ago

Same problem!

0 Votes

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