Customize Button - Catalog Listing

Posted over 6 years ago by Billie Mead

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Billie Mead
Billie Mead


I'm sure it's related to the theme we have installed (Franco 1.2.7), but even with FPD set to either  REPLACE ADD TO CART or END OF CATALOG ITEM, a the FPD Custom Button doesn't display.

Anyone know the fix to apply to a 3rd party theme?



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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

Its the best to contact the theme developer. If the theme does not include the correct action hooks, you should think about to change the theme!

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Billie Mead

Billie Mead posted over 6 years ago

I can make the changes, what are the correct hooks? Its far too late to change the theme as the client website is already online :(

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer

Its the best to contact the theme developer. If the theme does not include the correct action hooks, you should think about to change the theme!

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