add to cart does not work 3.6.5

Posted over 6 years ago by Stefan Urbi

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Stefan Urbi

Hi Guys i need your help please,

i have installed:

Fancy Produkt Designer 3.2.6 

Multistep Product Configurator for WooCommerce 1.1.2

Woocommerce 3.6.5 

WordPress 4.9.2

but the add to Cart Button does simply not work.

I can click on it it becomes other type of gray but dose not add anything into the cart, please help me :)


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Deleted Agent posted over 6 years ago Best Answer

Please open a support ticket for this and send a link to a page with the issue.

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Deleted Agent posted over 6 years ago Answer

Please open a support ticket for this and send a link to a page with the issue.

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