Layout top bar from 3.6.4 to 3.6.5 problem (I attach screen)

Posted over 6 years ago by icspanta

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The layout of the top bar has changed with 3.6.5, I enclose the screens of the problem.

It also happens with other themes.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

I converted your topic as ticket. A support agent will reply to you. Please send your item purchase code as well so we can verify your purchase!

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icspanta posted over 6 years ago

Thank you.

I have updated the details of the ticket with the code.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer

I converted your topic as ticket. A support agent will reply to you. Please send your item purchase code as well so we can verify your purchase!

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icspanta posted over 6 years ago

If the layout with the top bar was saved with 3.6.4, do not give problems with 3.6.5.

The problem with the 3.6.5 shows up if you save a new layout with the sidebar on the right or left and then change it to the top.

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