3.6.5 new features

Posted over 6 years ago by fabio

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Hello! I've updated the plugin.

I don't understand what the following sentence means:

Now you can place single modules anywhere in your page with shortcodes

Anyone can explain a little bit?

Thank you!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

In the products page under Fancy Product Designer, you find a “Shortcodes” button in the top right corner. There you can generate the shortcode for displaying any module anywhere in your page. Of course the product designer needs to be visible in this page as well.


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fabio posted over 6 years ago

Really cool! It's exactly what I need!

Good stuff!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer

In the products page under Fancy Product Designer, you find a “Shortcodes” button in the top right corner. There you can generate the shortcode for displaying any module anywhere in your page. Of course the product designer needs to be visible in this page as well.


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