Orders don't show the chosen colors.

Posted over 6 years ago by Fabiocid

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I can only see the chosen colors pushing the option "Load in the order viewer" and check "Singles elements" > Added By Customer.

In this way:


Is a big mess if I have to check every single order in this way.
I really need to add the name of my elmenents (img) to the PDF Order / PDF delivery note or Packing list. 

Or even the single SKU in "Designs" options.


Any ideas how we get around this?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

I can display the used colors after you click "Load in order Viewer" in the next update, if this is helping you.

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Fabiocid posted over 6 years ago

Yes, could be really useful if I can check the colors, name of the img inside the  PDF Order or Paking list.

Many thanks!


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer

I can display the used colors after you click "Load in order Viewer" in the next update, if this is helping you.

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