allow_url_fopen need to be enabled for some features to work?!!!

Posted over 6 years ago by Youssef Berrada

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Youssef Berrada


After the last update of FPD 3.5.6, this message appears, that indicate to enable "allow_url_fopen" for some features to work,

i don't want to enable "allow_url_fopen" for security reasons, and what are this features? maybe i'm not using this features!

Can you clarify this please,


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Best Answer

I will add a dismiss button in next update so you can hide it.

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Sorted by

divij posted over 6 years ago

Hi, Are image files sanitized before getting uploaded via allow_url_fopen to prevent security risks? If yes, please give some more info regarding the same. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin Answer

I will add a dismiss button in next update so you can hide it.

0 Votes


Youssef Berrada posted over 6 years ago

i'm not using this FPD features at all.

is there a way to disable the warning in my admin dashboard?

thank you

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

When using Instagram or Facebook in the Images module for example.

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