FPD products bulk export

Posted over 6 years ago by Robert Deme

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Robert Deme

How can i bulk export the created FPD products? I would like to move the products to other website 

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Deleted Agent posted over 6 years ago Best Answer

That is currently not really possible from within the plugin. You can copy over the databases (especially those starting with fpd_) but then you will have to edit URLs to change them to the locations of your images etc. on your new server.

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Adil momin posted over 2 years ago

how can we add / upload products in bulk 

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Deleted Agent posted over 6 years ago Answer

That is currently not really possible from within the plugin. You can copy over the databases (especially those starting with fpd_) but then you will have to edit URLs to change them to the locations of your images etc. on your new server.

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