PopUp & Customization service
Dear Radykal Team
we have implemented your fancy product design for
I would like to know how we can disable the POPUP once we click inside the boxes to upload a photo and if we can make all needed items such as FB, Insta, Photo Upload and Gallery upload appear from the top box.
Also i need to know if you can provide a certain customization and how much would you charger per hour of work
Fady Sayah
1) You can have it close automatically with this option:
general tab in the settings.2)Sorry, moving Facebook etc. directly into the topbar is not possible.
3)As we do not have the time we can not, sorry.
Dear Johnny
Thank you for your reply, i do still have one question, on PC the plugin works properly, but on mobile, when we click on the X sign to close the popup layer, it doesn't work.
Any idea about it
Thank you