Customised images to be stored in database, please :-/

Posted almost 7 years ago by Jo Uuwidie

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Jo Uuwidie

I'm very happy with this plugin but I'm not over the moon and here's why...

I'm attempting to create something beautiful using the FPD but I can't achieve it without urls for

all customised products. Customised images are not saved in the database and not easy to retrieve.

Just imagine if we could get customised image (jpeg,png) urls and not base64 encoded objects...

the possibilities for easy image manipulation and fetching could be amazing.

Anyhow I would still recommend this plugin but I would also like to reiterate that it would be a wonderful thing to allow

images to be saved to the database.



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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin Best Answer

You can enable image saving on server in the general settings of FPD.

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Jo Uuwidie posted almost 7 years ago

I mean jpg/png format images of the customised order not images users upload.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin Answer

You can enable image saving on server in the general settings of FPD.

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