Text element in order details

Posted almost 7 years ago by Frisser

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Is it possible to have the element "text" (which the customer enters) in the order details? The element (and also the element properties) are visible in the email, but I really would like to have this information also in my order details.

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Deleted Agent posted over 6 years ago Best Answer

There is only this option, WooCommerce tab in the settings:


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Anthony Tran posted about 3 years ago


I need this information too in back office.

For now, i change this file : fancy-product-designer\woo\class-wc-admin-order.php

After this

<a href="#" class='button button-secondary fpd-show-order-item' data-order_id='<?php echo $post_id; ?>' data-order_item_id='<?php echo $item_id; ?>'><?php _e( 'Load in Order Viewer', 'radykal' ); ?></a>

I add



$fpd_data = isset($item['_fpd_data']) ? $item['_fpd_data'] : $item['fpd_data'];

$fpd_data = is_array($fpd_data) ? $fpd_data['fpd_product'] : $fpd_data;

$order = json_decode(stripslashes($fpd_data), true);

if( fpd_get_option('fpd_order_show_element_props') === 'used_colors' ) {

    echo '<div style="margin-top:10px;">'.implode('', FPD_WC_Cart::get_display_elements( $order['product'], 'used_colors' )).'</div>';


else {

    $display_elements = FPD_WC_Cart::get_display_elements( $order['product'] );

    foreach($display_elements as $display_element) {

        echo '<div style="margin: 10px 0; clear: both;"><p style="font-weight: bol;font-size:0.95em; margin: 10px 0 0px;">'.$display_element['title'].':</p>'.$display_element['values'].'</div>';





This code is not mine. Is in this file : fancy-product-designer\woo\class-wc-order.php

I think it's easy to add that in the plugin.

But i have some problem:

  1. I need the name of the field (because i have 3 custom text field)
  2. I generate a bill and purchase order and nothing appear on that
  3. It's not "clean"

I just begin to work with this plugin (3 days).

















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Tim Winkler posted about 3 years ago

 I am wondering too, why the text is not shown in the order details:


I need the details right there.

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Lyall Brandon-Smith posted over 4 years ago

We really need to be able to see the entered text and the ID/name of the image selected from the designs, both in the order view screen (saved as meta data so we can include in CSV export). Is this possible?

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Frisser posted over 6 years ago

So text is absolute not possible to show in order details (so added to Color, Font and size)

0 Votes


Frisser posted over 6 years ago

Yes, and that is indeed visible and saved - don't really know why they don't also save text input as well. The text is visible in the cart - but not in the order details.

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Deleted Agent posted over 6 years ago Answer

There is only this option, WooCommerce tab in the settings:


0 Votes


Frisser posted over 6 years ago

This is really not possible?

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