Set design categories per view

Posted almost 7 years ago by bret konsdorf

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bret konsdorf

Doesnt seem to work. I have an upload zone with a specific design category tied to it but it keeps allowing all design categories to be chosen. 

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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Best Answer

Please make sure you are on the latest version (3.5.3), as that bug was/ should have been fixed with the last update.

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Deleted Agent posted over 6 years ago

Here as well... Please do not reply with a question to a more or less completely unrelated topic. Open a new thread or send in a support ticket. Thank you!

In the Product Builder, the view options:


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bret konsdorf posted almost 7 years ago

I figured it out. The UI settings didnt have the design module activated, once that was corrected everything functions. Thanks Johnny

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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Answer

Please make sure you are on the latest version (3.5.3), as that bug was/ should have been fixed with the last update.

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