Anyone get patterns working in their product designer?

Posted almost 7 years ago by Derek

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I see we have the option to add patterns to text and SVGs but its 

I followed the instructions to add patterns for text & svg from the link below.  

  • Added the "fpd_patterns_svg" folder to wp-content/uploads/.  
  • I added in a svg and jpg file.  
  • I went to Fancy Product Designer Settings, clicked on the Default Element Options tab and under Patterns selected the 2 files I uploaded to "fpd_patterns_svg" folder.

Now when I click on the svg I get the color picker but I do not see an option to select the patterns I uploaded.

Is there another step?  How do I select the pattern?  Any help will be appreciated


You can use patterns for text elements and SVG images.


Open your FTP software, e.g. Filezilla.

Go to wp-content/uploads of your wordpress installation.


For text elements

  1. Create a new folder called "fpd_patterns_text". 
  2. Upload your pattern images as PNG or JPEG format into the fpd_patterns_text folder. 
  3. Go to Fancy Product Designer Settings and select the Default Element Options. 
  4. Select the patterns in the Text Options section. 


For SVG images

  1. Create a new folder called "fpd_patterns_svg". 
  2. Upload your pattern images as PNG or JPEG format into the fpd_patterns_svg folder. 
  3. Go to Fancy Product Designer Settings and select the Default Element Options. 
  4. Select the patterns in the Image Options section.

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Derek posted almost 7 years ago Best Answer

Thanks Rhiannon, I misspoke. I meant to say I added 1 png and 1 jpg to the svg folder. I think the issue was browser cache. While out with my kids at practice I checked my site from my cell phone and everything was working as expected. Came home cleared cached, restated the browser and good to go now. Thanks

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Derek posted almost 7 years ago Answer

Thanks Rhiannon, I misspoke. I meant to say I added 1 png and 1 jpg to the svg folder. I think the issue was browser cache. While out with my kids at practice I checked my site from my cell phone and everything was working as expected. Came home cleared cached, restated the browser and good to go now. Thanks

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Rhiannon Doyle posted almost 7 years ago Admin

Hi Derek,

I think you need to add the patterns as either PNG or JPEG formats, you can't currently use SVG patterns.


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