Over 30 variations bug

Posted almost 7 years ago by Stewart Fernandez

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Stewart Fernandez


If i make over 30 variations(3 pages) it shows all options and ignores the limits i set for that item

I have 3 products each with there own sizes so if you pick one type then you only see 6 sizes that are only for the product you picked, this works fine until a add over 30 than it shows all sizes for all products.

Any way to fix this??

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Stewart Fernandez posted almost 7 years ago Best Answer

Ah seems its a woocommerce problem

Added this to the child themes functions.php


function ww_ajax_variation_threshold( $default, $product ) {

 return 50; // increase this number if needed


add_filter( 'woocommerce_ajax_variation_threshold', 'ww_ajax_variation_threshold', 10, 2 );


Change the 10 to the amount of variations you need

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Suma posted over 4 years ago

hi, Thanks. YOU ROCK!! 

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Stewart Fernandez posted almost 7 years ago Answer

Ah seems its a woocommerce problem

Added this to the child themes functions.php


function ww_ajax_variation_threshold( $default, $product ) {

 return 50; // increase this number if needed


add_filter( 'woocommerce_ajax_variation_threshold', 'ww_ajax_variation_threshold', 10, 2 );


Change the 10 to the amount of variations you need

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