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Posted almost 7 years ago by Leslie Anne Dorado

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Leslie Anne Dorado

Hi, I am new using this plugin and it seems to be very confusing on my end since i am not good on designing.

I have a new site named and I already purchased this plugin, I also watched tutorials. However, I am very confused on where to start. I have my products upload on my woocommerce. My products are wood furniture.

Can you guide me where to start with?

Thank you so much!

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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Best Answer

The best starting point is usually to download a few product demos and take a look with those how the plugin works. You can do this via the product page under the FPD menu. Then add those products on a WooCommerce product page to see how it works, maybe change some things in the product builder and take a look at the effects.

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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago

No. Photoshop has a lot more features. The best starting point is really what I said im my last reply and this article:

It also includes a link to video tutorials.

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Leslie Anne Dorado posted almost 7 years ago

Hi Johnny thank you so much for the response! Is this plugin works just like Adobe Photoshop? or what other features it offers? I am very sorry I am new on this.

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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Answer

The best starting point is usually to download a few product demos and take a look with those how the plugin works. You can do this via the product page under the FPD menu. Then add those products on a WooCommerce product page to see how it works, maybe change some things in the product builder and take a look at the effects.

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