How to make the lightbox appear smaller for the customer at the front end

Posted almost 7 years ago by Stathis K

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Stathis K

Hello! I am doing sublimation and i print only in A4 & A3 paper. 

I have created my products in 300dpi A4 & A3 sizes which are A4 ( 3508X2480px ) & A3 ( 4961 x 3508px ).

The problem is that on the front end the stage appears very big and fills the desktop screen.

Is there any way to make the lightbox smaller with the same resolutions?

Also is this a correct approach in setting the stage at these sizes?

Thank you in advance,


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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Best Answer

This workaround needs to be used if you need high resolution exports:  Exporting high-resolution images

You can apply some CSS to the lightbox, yes.

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Stathis K posted almost 7 years ago

Could you paste me here the CSS to do this please?

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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Answer

This workaround needs to be used if you need high resolution exports:  Exporting high-resolution images

You can apply some CSS to the lightbox, yes.

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