Change background color of warning window

Posted almost 7 years ago by bret konsdorf

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bret konsdorf

I have the designer set up in a lightbox with a translucent background color. my problem is that the warning window also takes on that background color. How can I target the warning window specifically without changing the color of the modal window? Here is a screenshot 


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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Best Answer

Add some custom CSS to change the color of the warnings like this:




I've not tested it, but it should work.

You could also apply the CSS for the lightbox with this class:


that should also get around the issue.

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Deleted Agent posted almost 7 years ago Answer

Add some custom CSS to change the color of the warnings like this:




I've not tested it, but it should work.

You could also apply the CSS for the lightbox with this class:


that should also get around the issue.

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