Upload zone square only?

Posted almost 7 years ago by Stef

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I uploaded a shape as a transparent PNG thinking that it would clip the uploaded image into the shape, however it's coming in as a square with no shape clipping. I can only conclude that I've configured the upload zone incorrectly or this functionality is not possible. 

Can anyone provide any insight?

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Wendel Gart posted almost 7 years ago Best Answer

This function is not possible. The only other option you have is creating a shape using an overlay mask. But with this technique you won't be able to see anything else around the mask in the product designer. You can find a demo here: http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/solutions/articles/5000548181-using-an-overlay-image-as-mask 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

If this is a feature you need for sure you can hire us via www.fancyproductdesigner.com/customization-request

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PEDRO GONZALEZ posted over 5 years ago

Hello, any updates on this feature?

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Ahmet Alphan AKAY posted over 6 years ago

It should be great if We had that Option. Maybe in the next update i Hope. Have the same problem here.

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Stef posted almost 7 years ago

That is disappointing. Thank you for the response though, Wendel!

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Wendel Gart posted almost 7 years ago Answer

This function is not possible. The only other option you have is creating a shape using an overlay mask. But with this technique you won't be able to see anything else around the mask in the product designer. You can find a demo here: http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/solutions/articles/5000548181-using-an-overlay-image-as-mask 

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