
Price of product


Is it possible change price depend of what Fancy product is selected?

I tried add price to each view. But it's not displayed in product page (I added several Fancy products to one wocommerce products)

  • If you price the layers of your products differently the price should change when changing product - the general WooCommerce price can in this case not really be used (as it applies to all products).

  • How I can add price to layer?
    In view I have price settings to Custom Image and Custom text. But it's not what I need.


  • I tried this
    Not working. And I not use custom text or image...

    I created a woocommerce product and added for this product several Fancy products. How I can set price for each Fancy product and view this price (what should be changed depend of selected Fancy product) in front-end of wooocommerce product? Is it possible? 

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