Difference between a fancy product designr and plus /// checkout include?

Posted about 7 years ago by toomasz

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1) What is the difference between a fancy product designer for $ 29 and a plus for $ 9?

2) Is the entire "checkout" included in the plugins? Like here: http://fancyproductdesigner.com/product/bottle/

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 7 years ago Admin Best Answer

1. Plus is an addon, which requires the basic plugin for $29.

2. No sorry, the jquery plugin does not include any checkout process, you have to code that by yourself. If you want to have a fully integrated shopping system, you need to purchase the wordpress/woocommerce version.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 7 years ago Admin Answer

1. Plus is an addon, which requires the basic plugin for $29.

2. No sorry, the jquery plugin does not include any checkout process, you have to code that by yourself. If you want to have a fully integrated shopping system, you need to purchase the wordpress/woocommerce version.

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