
Pre-sales Question



I have a client who has a woo commerce website and she sells custom pillows.

She wants the client to be able to build a custom pillow based on the steps below. It will also need to calculate the final price based on the selected choices (e.g. pillow size will affect price as will other choices) so there will be variations

We would like this all to happen in a single page if possible

1. Select a pillow, various shapes, sizes and prices
2. Select a fabric (many options)
   Fabric applies to pillow when selected
3. Select edge fringe

Then they could add to cart.

Is this possible on your platform, I am not seeing product variation options

Is it correct I would need a photo of every pillow, shape with fabric for all the variations, or can I overlay an image over another, for example the fabric on the pillow

  • You can do that with a combination of FPD and MSPC, similar to this demo:

    Please note that if you need more then one view (front and back of the pillow for example) that only works with a workaround at the moment.

    You can overlay textures like the fabric - though the required image layers might be hard to generate (need to be mostly transparent).

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