Bug Found: Cart showing incorrect price
I think there may be a bug within the plugin. For my site, the base price of a product is $7.00. For custom uploaded images as well as fancy designs, each image price is an additional $3.00. On the product/designer page it first displays the base product price of $7.00 which is correct. Then, when I add a custom upload image, the price increases to $10 which is correct because of the additional $3.00 for custom images. But, when I add to cart, the product total is $9.28 when it should be $10.00. I've attached screenshots to help display this issue. What's odd is that it's showing the total price (at the bottom of the "cart showing incorrect price" screenshot) as $10.00 because it then adds tax $0.72 to the product total of $9.28. This is incorrect as it should be adding tax to the $10.00 not $9.28.
So, the product total should be the base product price, + additional custom image/fancy design/text THEN tax and shipping should be added afterwards...
Is there something I need to configure so prices will be added properly?
I don't have this issue, maybe a conflict or something like that..