Add to Cart button not working after woocommerce 3.0 update

Posted over 7 years ago by Diogo Camargo

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Diogo Camargo

Hello, after woocommerce 3.0 update I noticed that products aren't going to cart after clicking on send to cart button. 

I need some help. What can I do? 

No problem with product without customization.


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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

Taking one look at the previous forum entries would have given you the answer. Please update to FPD version 3.4.2 either via the plugins page in the wp-admin or manually by downloading from envato again and uninstalling the old and installing the new version.

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

Taking one look at the previous forum entries would have given you the answer. Please update to FPD version 3.4.2 either via the plugins page in the wp-admin or manually by downloading from envato again and uninstalling the old and installing the new version.

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