
Where is 3.4.2 version aviable for download?

Hello, I have seen that the new 3.4.2 fdp version is running

But I have been looking for it in codecanyon and the last version that is aviable for download is 3.4.1

Where can I download last version (3.4.2)?

Thanks :)

dicho a day ago


There will be an update to fix this within the next 3 days (that's the plan at least). In the meantime please downgrade WooCommerce to version 2.6.14

dicho 5 hours ago

The 3.4.2 update is out.

  • The update is still in the upload queue at envato - there is nothing we can do to speed this up, but it should be finished today. You can of course still downgrade to WooCommerce version 2.6.14 in the meantime.

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