fpd form doesn't send email - The order could not be sent. Please try again or contact the site owner!

Posted over 7 years ago by Lukas

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FPD Form doesn't send an email. Just show: The order could not be sent. Please try again or contact the site owner!

Is there some thing (configuration) I must do before it is work?

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

Please update to FPD version 3.4.2, it should fix the problem. If it does not for some reason please do open a support ticket with some login credentials and a link to your wp-admin and we'll fix it for you.

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

Please update to FPD version 3.4.2, it should fix the problem. If it does not for some reason please do open a support ticket with some login credentials and a link to your wp-admin and we'll fix it for you.

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