WooCommerce 3.0 Update

Posted over 7 years ago by Breeves99

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Ok, so woocommerce update 3.0 has completely disabled fancy product designer on the front end, does anyone have the same problem? Or will we just be waiting for an update?

4 Votes


Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

There will be an update to fix this within the next 3 days (that's the plan at least). In the meantime please downgrade WooCommerce to version 2.6.14

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago

The 3.4.2 update is out.

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

There will be an update to fix this within the next 3 days (that's the plan at least). In the meantime please downgrade WooCommerce to version 2.6.14

0 Votes


Oto posted over 7 years ago

Completely non-functional plug-in Fancy with Woocommerce 3.00 and 3.01

0 Votes


Nikolaj With Lauritsen posted over 7 years ago

Yea the same thing happend to my site. I could design everything, and it was fine, buuut it wont put items into the cart, which is kind of a big deal :D 

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Breeves99 posted over 7 years ago

I just backed mine up to the previous 2.6.14 version. And all is well again, so I will wait for the update either from woocomemerce or radykal.

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MichiK85 posted over 7 years ago

Thank you so much, every time I want to add a product it was € 0,00 instead of the right price.

0 Votes


Robert Deme posted over 7 years ago

Michael ,

Simple copy the woocommerce previous version the plugin folder with different folder name (for example woocommerce2) , after switch off the version 3.0 and switch on the previous version, after evereything will work fine . Of corse before make a backup. I made this and working for me.

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MichiK85 posted over 7 years ago

Same problem, please update.

0 Votes


Robert Deme posted over 7 years ago

Better way if you downgrade the woocommerce.

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