Pre-Sale Question: Can you have color option for different parts of a product?

Posted over 7 years ago by Bret Mackey

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Bret Mackey

Hello! Thank you for viewing my post, I am very excited to get FPD, but want to make sure it is the right option for my product.

I have a custom product that uses two different materials (metal and rubber). Each material has its own color (see attached photos).

Would I be able to have FPD allow customers to select specific colors they want for each material? Any guidance would be appreciated, 

Thank you so much for any help!

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

Yes, that is possible - you'll need to create two separate images layers to represent the two materials, then they can be colorized freely or through a palette you specify independent of each other.

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

Yes, that is possible - you'll need to create two separate images layers to represent the two materials, then they can be colorized freely or through a palette you specify independent of each other.

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