displaying image variations

Posted over 7 years ago by Jeff Dorman

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Jeff Dorman

I just installed FPD (WP/Woo) and I am trying to create my first product.  I want the image variations displayed as you have done with the Laces colors on your Sneaker demo.  I cannot find where add my color variation images (Product Data/Products/Variations/?).  I do know how to set up Attributes and Variation in Woo but I don't see those images in the Store customizer window.

Do I need additional plug-ins to have the Sneaker Laces display in your demo?   Where do I add the images? Or how do I get them to display as a images in the FPD customize view.



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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

Yes, as stated on the demo page you do need the MSPC plugin for the steps: https://codecanyon.net/item/multistep-product-configurator-for-woocommerce-/8749384

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Jeff Dorman posted about 7 years ago

Thanks, Johnny. Already purchased the product.  You can close this.

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Deleted Agent posted about 7 years ago

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Syed Shafayat Ali posted about 7 years ago

Hello )
Can you provide any example for Multistep Product Configurator for WooCommerce and Fancy Product designer together...

As I am interested to purchase that and checking that will it be helpful for designing my product range?


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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

Yes, as stated on the demo page you do need the MSPC plugin for the steps: https://codecanyon.net/item/multistep-product-configurator-for-woocommerce-/8749384

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