Layers Missing on Products since Upgrading

Posted over 7 years ago by Tracy Ryan

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Tracy Ryan

Is anyone having the same problem? Every single one of the Fancy Products I created in the past are now missing layers. What's really strange is that on our live website the products appear fine, meaning the layers that have disappeared in the product builder appeare and can be customized.  The images for the missing layers are in the image gallery so it's not like they got deleted or anything.  The two possible solutions that the FPD developers recommended didn't fix the problem. Thanks.

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

That only happens if you have at some point switched from http to https - you'll need to go through your database and replace the http URL's with https (search and replace).

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Katrina Morris posted over 6 years ago

Nevermind! We also went from a staging server to a live server, so the base url changed. I ran the replace queries above and all the views are back!

Thank you.


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Katrina Morris posted over 6 years ago

I ran the above queries and they all worked except the last. I got the following error message:

#1146 - Table 'shopmeo_wordp.wp_fpd_templates' doesn't exist

My layers are still missing in the product builder after going from http: to https:

Thank you.


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Ove Brandt posted almost 7 years ago

You can run these queries to fix missing layers when you have switched to https:

REMEMBER TO BACK UP FIRST! Dont blame me if it goes to shit!

update wp_fpd_views SET elements = REPLACE (elements, 'http:', 'https:')

update wp_fpd_views SET thumbnail = REPLACE (thumbnail, 'http:', 'https:')

update wp_fpd_products SET thumbnail = REPLACE (thumbnail, 'http:', 'https:')

update wp_fpd_templates set views = REPLACE (views, 'http:', 'https:')

This fixed it for me, and yes, i did a backup first, just in case.

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David Conway posted almost 7 years ago

Images and layers disappear on admin side for Images above 10000 pixels (length or width), since upgrade.


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Gerrit Ekelmans posted about 7 years ago

Hello all, how do you resolve the missing layers? I'm strugling now after the last update Thanks for the reply

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Rhiannon Doyle posted about 7 years ago Admin

Tee Mo I have this left aligned text issue too!

I can't work out where it was introduced but I can't find a reason for it.


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Tee Mo posted about 7 years ago

Same issue. Layers appear on the frontend, but I am unable to see or edit layers in the Fancy Product Builder backend. 

Has anyone found an actual solution?? 

I also have a separate issue with my text layer appearing as left aligned (when it is supposed to be centered) on mobile browsers

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Daniel de Bianchetti posted over 7 years ago

In my case the images only disappear from the backend of FPD (product builder) however in frontend the images are ok

In the tables of:
All URLs are on https

Attachments (1)

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Daniel de Bianchetti posted over 7 years ago

OK, What are the tables, please?


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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

That only happens if you have at some point switched from http to https - you'll need to go through your database and replace the http URL's with https (search and replace).

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Efbi posted over 7 years ago

Same problems here 

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