Answered Different size after order R Robert Deme started a topic about 8 years ago If i set the image size in the FPD and click the finish order , i got a different view. Screenshot 2... (437 KB) Screenshot 2... (2.67 MB) 2 people have this question
I have other problem. What is it mean ?
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Empty string supplied as input in /web/htdocs3/fenykepesajandekokeu/home/www/wp-content/plugins/fancy-product-designer/woo/class-wc-cart.php on line 230
I have the same problem with new version 3.4.0
The finish product in the order viewer has different in dimention and position respect the FPD.
I have this same issue. Different when it's put in the cart.
You have to downgrade to 3.3.3. I send them a ticket with this issue.
yes I'm searching the old versions.
Update with fix is coming the next 24 hours, sorry for that.
It didnt work at first but then after 20 mins since updating it is working!, thanks to you!
The update is released and should fix the problem.
I have the same problem and already updated to 3.4.1.
This update haven't solve my problem, any idea ?
Thank's a lot