Stroke position

Posted over 7 years ago by Minnie Longstaff

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Minnie Longstaff

Is there a way to position the text stroke to the outside of the text? Currently when stroke is added it is restricted within the text and there is no option to have it on the outside, thus when the stoke is enlarged it takes over the entire original text colour. Anyone got a solution for this?

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

That is currently not possible sorry.

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago

Sorry, no you can't restrict stroke color at the moment - you can disable the stroke via the UI & Layout Composer, toolbar, exclude tools.

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Minnie Longstaff posted over 7 years ago

Ok, following on from this, is there a way to restrict colour options for the stroke? And if not, can the stroke option be disabled entirely?

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

That is currently not possible sorry.

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