Toolbar visibility

Posted over 7 years ago by Michael Storm

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Michael Storm


Thanks for a great plugin.

I would like to know if it is possible to show the toolbar by default when a image is uploadet? At the moment I have to click the "reset" button before the toolbar becomes visible.

I am talking about the toolbar that contains the resize tool, the transform tool and so on. It is difficult for the client to find these tools when they are not visible as default.

I hope you can help me with this.

Kind regards,

Michael Storm

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Best Answer

no, that is currently not possible. The tools should open once you click on the object you wish to modify though.

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Deleted Agent posted over 7 years ago Answer

no, that is currently not possible. The tools should open once you click on the object you wish to modify though.

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