Manual or Tutorial to create the images to products
Hi everybody.
I'm looking for a manual, guide or tutorial to make new product images. For example, the images provided in the demo like shirt, sneakers, etc doesn't included all images. I need create my own images for a new kind of shirts. As i see it, probably i should split one simple image in three layers. One layer with low opacity (for example 50%) to create the shadow, other plain image to colorize them.. and the rest i don't know...
Someone knows what's the correct steps?
The best way to make this easy and quickly i've found is here
The answer of Linda Long with Gimp is veary easy to make and work really fine.
Thanks a lot Johnny. The information provided was very userfull :)
It's also important to change white to alpha (via channels in Photoshop I believe, or with the color to alpha function in GIMP (which is what I use)) as the "shadow layer" as we call it needs to be mostly transparent. In case of the image for our demo products, we added some white highlights back in with a white brush (though we did get most of the image online and did not actually create them).