
How to log out from Facebook, and How to paste "textbox area" to the real text ?


First of all, I wish you all a Happy New Year !!

My first problem is the following : I am surprised to not see any "Log Out" button to close the facebook session currently connected to the upload image module. Am I blinded or is it an option to activate ?? I only try with facebook but perhaps it's the same with others social networks ?

Secondly, can we paste the text we write in the upload text module into its "textbox" area ? I mean, when we upload a picture, its limits are the same than its picture box area, whereas the real dimensions of the text are always smaller than its textbox area. I call textbox area (or picture box area) the zone which contains the "delete button", "Turn button" and "Resize button",  and which appears when we click on an element on the designer.

Example :

The problem is that users can't extend their text until the upload zone limits, a warning message appearing when textbox area exceeds the upload zone.

Thank you for your answers !

Have a great day,


  • 1) At the moment the only way to "logout" is to delete the browsers cache, sorry about that. If you do need a logout button please add a feature request on the feature request forum.

    2) I understand the problem, however I don't believe there is anything we can do about this at the moment. I'll let the developer know and he'll see if there is anything that can be done.

  • Hello, is that issue with logging out from Facebook/Instagram was solved? For now it's seems to be impossible to log out and switch accounts or whatever. 

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