
Save Fancy Product as woocommerce product from front end

I want to create a custom template page. From this page site user can create there custom fancy product.

User can design there product after that there will be a save button.

When user wants to save the fancy design product then the product will save as woocommerce product.

I have created a template file and I use "[fpd]" this shortcode to allow user to customize the product.

Now my query is :

How can I get the product final image ? is there any available hooks or any functions ?

Thanks in advance, 

  • There are no hooks to do this. It will require custom development to do this.

  • Is there any possibility that this will be built? I'd love to offer this feature to my customers. The evolution of my store will be to allow designers design products that will then be sold on the store as products and they get a commission

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