Fancy Products isn't showing on products page

Posted almost 8 years ago by Shakillia Bobo

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Shakillia Bobo

We are creating a site for a client in which customers can customize their picture frame fatheads. But we can't get the fancy product designer to show up on the actual website under products. We've tried crating a product under this particular plugin but we just can't seem to get it to show. Some much needed help would be greatly appreciated.


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

You did use the shortcodes then? We'd probably need to login to your wp-admin to take a look at the issue, could you open a support ticket?

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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

You did use the shortcodes then? We'd probably need to login to your wp-admin to take a look at the issue, could you open a support ticket?

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