
Swap Product Tab - any way to add names?

I've been searching for a way to add a name field to the Swap Product tab view so that each product image is accompanied by a name (the images are very small).

Is there a way to do this?


  • There is currently no way of doing that included with the plugin, no. You'd have to develop your own solution, or make a feature request.

  • A bit late, but hopefully will help others.

    you can use something like:

    .fpd-item.fpd-tooltip.tooltipstered:after {
        content: attr(data-title);

     And position it how you need it.


  • hi Ben could you plz provide me the screenshot of the FPD or the product view after implementing the above css

  • Hi Lakshman Manish, here is the screen shot.


  • The title name comes above the product image and aligned left side.
  • Hi,

    this is my custom css for this:


    .fpd-item:after {
        content: attr(data-title);
        position: relative;
        top: 90px;
    [data-module="products"] .fpd-item,
    [data-module="images"] .fpd-item,
    [data-module="designs"] .fpd-item {
        height: 130px !important;
        text-align: center;
    .fpd-grid.fpd-padding>.fpd-item>picture {
        bottom: 45px;



  • Woow, that worked like a gem for me. Thank you so much for you help and solving my 6-8 month old issue on this whole forum. Just a small issue , the text in the drop-down menu of the product category have huge space in between after implementing the last given css. Have attached the pic
  • Can you send the link to the issue?

  • Thank for you response, i have fixed the issue.. you can have a look at my page

  • Great

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your help

    I took advantage of it too

    I also have a very large space and when you move the entire block expands

    How to fix this, please tell me

    Best regards

    (221 KB)
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